Big Question

Some say that if you tell a lie long enough and often enough its becomes the truth, so...
are lies the truth?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Character Study (III)

"Look at these fools" the man in  seat 25 said to Shane. "Fighting over nothing, just yelling over things they don't know, on a plane, hahaha they are just bugs in life." he exclaimed. Shane gave him a look of confusion on why he chose to speak about the men in such fashion and why he decided to talk to him in the first place. The man then leaned over and held out his hand a common position, in order to introduce himself. "Dan Smith" he said with a sense of pomp. He was tall and slender, with dark hair, his face was stern from years of hardened life. Shane noticed a shinny gold band on his wrist that had the famous double RR, every diamond was expertly placed between the ticks of the arms. Dan was quite interested with this band for he spent the next ten minutes examine it and licking his thumb and wiping the smudges from its face to revealed the clear glint of gold.

Character Study (II)

"Get out..... Get out.... and never return" she said, "But mom I'm sorry, I could help it" Shane replied. "flight 413 no boarding, seats 20-30 please report to terminal" rang the over com, the announcement shattering through his memories. Shane looked down at the wad of paper in his has and read flight 413 to Costa Rica seat 24. He stood up, put on his back pack and silently walked to the gate, listening to the sounds of babies, mothers, fathers, lawyers, doctors, homeless, all coexisting yet not interfacing. The women at the desk stamped his ticket and gestured him to continue.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Character Study (I)

It was a cold fall evening, the taste of summer pollen was slowly drifting away into memory. Alone in a terminal no one to comfort him, Shane Hunter sat. Packed for his journey into a new life.  The one from whence he came, he could never return. This plane would usher him into his future. He didn't know where it would take him or how long the journey would be only that he had an anomalous ticket in his hand.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Vocabulary 6

Accolade- any award, honor, or laudatory notice
The play received accolades from the press.

 Acerbity- sourness, with roughness or astringency of taste
The apple had a certain Acerbity to it.

 Attrition- a wearing down or weakening of resistance, especially as a result of continuous pressure or harassment
The enemy surrounded the town and conducted a war of attrition.  

 Bromide- a person who is platitudinous and boring.
Although brilliant in his intellect Dr. John. D. Stulenworth was quite bromide in his speeches.

 Chauvinist- a person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic, especially one devoted to military glory.
Most of the southerners are chauvinist to the USA.

 Chronic- constant; habitual; inveterate
Jimmy was dying of a chronic illness.

 Expound- to set forth or state in detail
I had to expound my theories in my dissertation.

 Factionalism- self-interested; partisan
 Factional interests had obstructed justice.

 Immaculate- free from fault or flaw; free from errors:
He wrote an immaculate text.

 Imprecation- a curse; malediction.
Some feel that they are plagued by imprecation.

 Ineluctable- incapable of being evaded; inescapable
An ineluctable destiny.

 Mercurial- changeable; volatile; fickle; flighty; erratic
If you have mercurial nature you many have many friends.

 Palliate- to relieve or lessen without curing; mitigate; alleviate.
Many try the palliate the load on the world.

 Protocol- the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette.
In life we have to follow a certain protocol in all our actions.

 Resplendent- shining brilliantly; gleaming; splendid:
Troops resplendent in white uniforms.

 Stigmatize- to set some mark of disgrace or infamy upon
The crime of the father stigmatized the whole family.

 Sub Rosa- confidentially; secretly; privately.
The worst thing you have ever heard is sub rosa.

 Vainglory- excessive elation or pride over one's own achievements, abilities, etc.; boastful vanity.

 Vestige- a mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence:
A few columns were the last vestiges of a Greek temple.

 Volition- the act of willing, choosing, or resolving; exercise of willing
She left of her own volition.

Obsequious- characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning

After the butler had finished his tasks he gave an obsequious bow.

Beatitude- supreme blessedness; exalted happiness.
The beatitude that was bestowed upon jerry was above reproach.

Bete noire- a person or thing that one particularly dislikes or dreads 
Homework is the bete noire of most student’s day.

Bode- to be an omen of; portend
The news bodes evil days for him.

Dank- unpleasantly moist or humid; damp and, often, chilly
We kept our wine in a dank cellar.

Ecumenical- general; universal.
I was giving my speech in an ecumenical fashion.

Fervid- heated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm, etc.
Phil Pulaski was a fervid orator.

Fetid- having an offensive odor; stinking.
My dog has a horrible fetid to him.

Gargantuan- gigantic; enormous; colossal
A gargantuan task.

Heyday- the stage or period of greatest vigor, strength, success, etc.; prime
The heyday of the vaudeville stars.

Incubus- something that weighs upon or oppresses one like a nightmare.
The incubus took its toll on my mental health.

Infrastructure- the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization.
The USA infrastructure is in desperate need of upgrades.

Inveigle- to entice, lure, or ensnare by flattery or artful talk or inducements
To inveigle a person into playing bridge.

Kudos- honor; glory; acclaim
He received kudos from everyone on his performance.

Lagniappe- an unexpected or indirect benefit.
His tip on the table was a lagniappe.

Prolix- extended to great, unnecessary, or tedious length; long and wordy.
The speech that was written needed to be edited because it was written in too much of a prolix fashion.

Protégé- a person under the patronage, protection, or care of someone interested in his or her career or welfare.
Troy had become my protégé after years of staying silent.

Prototype- the original or model on which something is based or formed.
Before companies release a product they come up with a prototype.

Sycophant- a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.
He was very sycophant in order to draw a complement from the group.

Tautology- an instance of such repetition.
I, I, I.

Truckle- to submit or yield obsequiously or tamely
Don't truckle to unreasonable demands.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What a character

Recently I read Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe and book about adventure, isolation and the human need for companionship. The main character Robinson Crusoe, connected with me as more of an example of traits I would like to emulate and traits I would like to avoid. His traits like selflessness and self-reliance, which Daniel Defoe gave him through the use of irony and miracles, gave me an example of how to act under pressure. Although his traits of condescension were less then acceptable. Like all other characters in the world they possess traits that make them people we strive to be like and traits we would rather not have.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Vocabulary 5

Obsequious- characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning
After the butler had finished his tasks he gave an obsequious bow.

Beatitude- supreme blessedness; exalted happiness.
The beatitude that was bestowed upon jerry was above reproach.

Bete noire- a person or thing that one particularly dislikes or dreads 
Homework is the bete noire of most student’s day.

Bode- to be an omen of; portend
The news bodes evil days for him.

Dank- unpleasantly moist or humid; damp and, often, chilly
We kept our wine in a dank cellar.

Ecumenical- general; universal.
I was giving my speech in an ecumenical fashion.

Fervid- heated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm, etc.
Phil Pulaski was a fervid orator.

Fetid- having an offensive odor; stinking.
My dog has a horrible fetid to him.

Gargantuan- gigantic; enormous; colossal
A gargantuan task.

Heyday- the stage or period of greatest vigor, strength, success, etc.; prime
The heyday of the vaudeville stars.

Incubus- something that weighs upon or oppresses one like a nightmare.
The incubus took its toll on my mental health.

Infrastructure- the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization.
The USA infrastructure is in desperate need of upgrades.

Inveigle- to entice, lure, or ensnare by flattery or artful talk or inducements
To inveigle a person into playing bridge.

Kudos- honor; glory; acclaim
He received kudos from everyone on his performance.

Lagniappe- an unexpected or indirect benefit.
His tip on the table was a lagniappe.

Prolix- extended to great, unnecessary, or tedious length; long and wordy.
The speech that was written needed to be edited because it was written in too much of a prolix fashion.

Protégé- a person under the patronage, protection, or care of someone interested in his or her career or welfare.
Troy had become my protégé after years of staying silent.

Prototype- the original or model on which something is based or formed.
Before companies release a product they come up with a prototype.

Sycophant- a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.
He was very sycophant in order to draw a complement from the group.

Tautology- an instance of such repetition.
I, I, I.

Truckle- to submit or yield obsequiously or tamely
Don't truckle to unreasonable demands.

Declaration of learning independence

In the course of human events, when a education system does not reflect the tools or demands of the present day, it become necessary to determine ones own learning experience. I Shane Hunter then hereby declare that I will develop my own learning and curriculum separate from the institution of the present day educational system. I will build my learning on the bases of personal advancement in both my mental life and academic life. I will use to the full capacity the tools that Dr.Preston has set forth and utilize his knowledge. lastly I will develop my ability to learn without the "hand" of formal education in order to have the skills necessary to increase my abilities after I finish my formal education

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Literary Analysis #1: Robinson Crusoe

1.      Robinson Crusoe, an Englishmen, begins his life live in a middle class home in England. He is a man who yearns for the sea and as a result becomes a seamen, living aboard a ship for years and in fact being captured by the Islamic moors of Spain. As his life progresses he decides to move to Brazil and become and tobacco plantation owner, and achieves just that. In his endeavor he becomes very wealthy, and lives a life of leisure.

After about 6 year of living in Brazil, Robinson desired he must return to England to be with his ailing father. He puts another well-known plantation owner and personal friend in charge of his estate, and he instructs his to send his share to England. After a few years and several voyages back and forth Robinson finds himself in a sea storm. This storm wreaks his ship on a deserted island alone. He remains on the island for 7 seven all the while building a fort, hunting and herding systems and meeting and training a cannibal native (Friday). After year of being on the island Robinson and his then friend Friday are rescued and return to England where they live the rest of their lives in piece.

2.      The theme of this novel to me is two folded on one hand u have the overall theme of loneliness, apparent in Robinson’s quest for companionship off and on the island. On the other u have the lingering feeling of discrimination. Even after training and living with Friday for years he still regarded him and a sense of distaste for his savage ways.

3.      Seeing as the book is written in first person point of view the tone of the book flows just a the human consciousness flows. There is a sense of curiosity throughout the story, from the moment he decided to leave England for Brazil till the moment he found Friday on page 311. Also the book is riddle with tragedy; while on the island he is hit with storm after storm after storm with make him bitter against nature in the beginning of his stay.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

All of the Above

when I went to review my test from the 1987 AP test I found that I missed ten, which was surprising to me, in a pleasant way. This gave me some confidence in my ability to preform in the AP style tests.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Beowulf Essay

Why do humans feel the need to create beings who possess qualities that are larger than life or apogee? Beowulf is the quintessential version of this rule, he was created to show the generations what a proper man should strive to be like. He was everything a Viking only dreamed to be in that day and age, just as Steve jobs is portrayed to our age. Both are presented as the pinnacle of success, they have achieved all that they can from the culture and are now “heroes” of their time. Although Steve jobs is no high flying, brawny Viking, and Beowulf is no literary genius, they both represent exactly what their cultures expect of their kind.

Now of course Steve jobs is not literary character, but I thing we are all characters in the eyes of the world. We can all be portrayed in a good light or bad and for that reason Steve’s accomplishments can be sked to be more grandiose then in reality. Furthermore who’s to say Beowulf wasn’t a really person, we have no proof to say otherwise. But I think we can all agree that some of his story was blown out of proportions. Both men were subject to that pressure of living in lies where as a normal man might never have to experience the lies of others. More over these men almost didn’t have a choice, no doubt they had great achievements, but once an individual does something great they very often become myths

In the case of Beowulf he was created to show men how to act and how to be men. Steve on the other hand was a symbol that no matter the circumstances anyone can achieve high and make millions. In that sense the Vikings glory in battle and honor is our present day money, both were revered and both are coveted. See we need goal to strive toward, it is rare that people can head into the unknown and achieve success without a goal. Beowulf and Steve Jobs are the goals for our culture, we all want to head to success like them and so they represent everything we want and need in our life to feel complete.

Jobs and Beowulf might not be literary characters but they have both become literary legends because their culture shaped them into the god of that time. Humans need heroes because we are goal oriented creatures and those heroes and their actions are what we strive to emulate.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Vocabulary 4

Accolade- any award, honor, or laudatory notice
The play received accolades from the press.

 Acerbity- sourness, with roughness or astringency of taste
The apple had a certain Acerbity to it.

 Attrition- a wearing down or weakening of resistance, especially as a result of continuous pressure or harassment
The enemy surrounded the town and conducted a war of attrition.   

 Bromide- a person who is platitudinous and boring.
Although brilliant in his intellect Dr. John. D. Stulenworth was quite bromide in his speeches.

 Chauvinist- a person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic, especially one devoted to military glory.
Most of the southerners are chauvinist to the USA.

 Chronic- constant; habitual; inveterate
Jimmy was dying of a chronic illness.

 Expound- to set forth or state in detail
I had to expound my theories in my dissertation.

 Factionalism- self-interested; partisan
 Factional interests had obstructed justice.

 Immaculate- free from fault or flaw; free from errors:
He wrote an immaculate text.

 Imprecation- a curse; malediction.
Some feel that they are plagued by imprecation.

 Ineluctable- incapable of being evaded; inescapable
An ineluctable destiny.

 Mercurial- changeable; volatile; fickle; flighty; erratic
If you have mercurial nature you many have many friends.

 Palliate- to relieve or lessen without curing; mitigate; alleviate.
Many try the palliate the load on the world.

 Protocol- the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette.
In life we have to follow a certain protocol in all our actions.

 Resplendent- shining brilliantly; gleaming; splendid:
 Troops resplendent in white uniforms.

 Stigmatize- to set some mark of disgrace or infamy upon
The crime of the father stigmatized the whole family.

 Sub Rosa- confidentially; secretly; privately.
The worst thing you have ever heard is sub rosa.

 Vainglory- excessive elation or pride over one's own achievements, abilities, etc.; boastful vanity.

 Vestige- a mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence:
A few columns were the last vestiges of a Greek temple.

 Volition- the act of willing, choosing, or resolving; exercise of willing
She left of her own volition.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Vocabulary 3

Apostate-a person who forsakes his religion, cause, party, etc.

Every apostate is a sinner.

 Effusive- unduly demonstrative; lacking reserve

 Effusive greetings; an effusive person.

 Impasse- a position or situation from which there is no escape; deadlock.

We have come to an impasse in our argument

 Euphoria- a state of intense happiness and self-confidence

She was flooded with euphoria as she went to the podium to receive her Student Research Award.

 Lugubrious- mournful, dismal, or gloomy                              

Lugubrious songs of lost love.

 Bravado- a pretentious, swaggering display of courage.

The freak had a lot of pompous bravado.

 Consensus- general agreement or concord; harmony.

The consensus of the group was that they should meet twice a month.

 Dichotomy- division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups

A dichotomy between thought and action.

 Constrict- to slow or stop the natural course or development of

Greed and aggressiveness constricted the nation's cultural life.

 Gothic- noting or pertaining to a style of architecture, originating in France in the middle of the 12th century and existing in the western half of Europe through the middle of the 16th century, characterized by the use of the pointed arch and the ribbed vault, by the use of fine woodwork and stonework, by a progressive lightening of structure, and by the use of such features as flying buttresses, ornamental gables, crockets, and foils.

She fell in love with the gothic style churched, when we visited Europe.

 Punctilio- a fine point, particular, or detail, as of conduct, ceremony, or procedure.

I made it a punctilio to explain the thesis of my essay.

 Metamorphosis- any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.

The caterpillar went through a metamorphosis to become a butterfly.

 Raconteur- a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly.

Daniel Rucker can be referred to as a Raconteur.

 sine qua non- an indispensable condition, element, or factor; something essential

Her presence was the sine qua non of every social event.

 Quixotic- extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable.

He was sweet but to the point of Quixotic ness.

 Vendetta- a private feud in which the members of the family of a murdered person seek to avenge the murder by killing the slayer or one of the slayer's relatives.

The Capulet’s had a vendetta against the Montague’s after the death of Tibult.

 non sequitur- An inference or a conclusion that does not follow from the premises.

 Mystique- a framework of doctrines, ideas, beliefs, or the like, constructed around a person or object, endowing the person or object with enhanced value or profound meaning.

The mystique of Poe.

 Quagmire- an area of miry or boggy ground whose surface yields under the tread; a bog.

A quagmire of financial indebtedness.

 Parlous- perilous; dangerous.

We embarked on a parlous journey.

Will study for food

In order to narrow down the huge search that is scholarship searching I first when to Dr. Preston's blog: College/ Scholarship info ( From there I found a comment Posted by Madison Hill, suggesting that we go the college board big future section. Upon getting there I enter my information on where I was interested and boom... I found 105 results of awesome scholarships. I found one in particular called The Best Buy Scholarship Program. I would intend to ask for there maximum scholarship of $1000, to put toward my payment for college.

The poem about Nothing

Nothing can't be summed

For the sum is the answer

And answer nothing is nothing


Nothing knows no ocean

Or cool cow fed pastures

For the sum nothing is nothing


Nothing holds or minds

Where nothing, who nothing

What nothing, Why nothing

Why nothing cannot be summed


For the answer nothing is nothing

Nothing can be right, noting can be wrong

For nothing cannot be summed

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Daze

Two lives, two people
Closer to each other than any other
Further apart than the great seas.
One body

Hate the thought of each other
Without the union both die
Symbiotic hatred for unity
One body

Two lives, two people
The decision between love and lust
To have pride and passion or love and heart unbroken
One mind

Constant war, constant unity
One takes what it wants, one cares of others
One loves the edge, one loves journey
One mind

Linked in love, linked in hatred
No more war, have one and the other
In smoke the war, life slowly slips into black
No more

Life shall not slip
Two people come down to embrace then other
For with one there is always the other

One mind, one body, one soul

She's the one

See you from a cross the smoke
Filling my lungs deep in and out

World's amorphous, lights right and left
Bright eyes pierce through

Love is the enemy
Take cover heart under fire

Build walls thick will fear
Feel fiery pain projected through the palisades

Eyes become clear, lust falls away
Slain by one glance

Years of doubt
Melt in instant

Time forever paused
Yet fly’s at speed of light

She’s the one

We are Greed

He lived in a world of maggots
They infested the world, consumed it

These weren’t regular maggots,
They were smart

He lived to work, like his fathers and mothers before him.
He was taught to love the drink of poison.

Money ran through his veins.
Like a torrent that the flooded everything in its path

Greed was his mistress, cruel, jealous, and bloodthirsty
Slowly strangling his life

Greed lingered like an ember that slowly burnt his soul alive.
His once vibrant, health veins became dry to the touch.

The world around him moved as it always had.
But he could no longer taste the sweet nectar of life.

Alone on his couch, he found no delight in his thoughts
His life was devoured by his beloved mistress

And so with no one looking he felt the cold, familiar pinch of metal on his temple.
And with a quick flick of his mind every thing black

All his world, his mom and dad, his greed
Was gone forever

Blackness consumed him

And the maggot infested world, spun, spun, spun
All Poetry that follows is my original works and i have no idea why this is relevant i just thought i would share.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Literary analysis 1 choice

Literary analysis 1 book choice

For my first book of the year I choose Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. when i was little my dad and granddad always used to tell me stories of pirate adventures, high sea adventures and men being stranded to himself on a desolate island. As a result the jump to a book like Robinson Crusoe was just a natural fit, and the stories just plain intreages me.