Big Question

Some say that if you tell a lie long enough and often enough its becomes the truth, so...
are lies the truth?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Vocabulary 2

Accoutrements- personal clothing, accessories, etc.
My friend’s accoutrements are fresh.
Apogee- the highest or most distant point; climax.
The apogee I felt after I finished my essay was fantastic.
Apropos- fitting; at the right time; to the purpose; opportunely.
When staring at someone and they stare back, and a staring contest ensues, you might think that is apropos.
Bicker- to engage in petulant or peevish argument; wrangle
The two were always bickering.
Coalesce- to grow together or into one body
The two lakes coalesced into one.
Contretemps- an inopportune occurrence; an embarrassing mischance
He caused a minor contretemps by knocking over his drink.
Convolution- a rolled up or coiled condition.
That hedgehog convolution. ?
Cull- to choose; select; pick.
He had to cull between apples or oranges
Disparate- distinct in kind; essentially different; dissimilar
Bill and John had disparaging ideas.
Dogmatic- asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated.
His speech was long and dogmatic.
Licentious- sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd.
Her actions were very licentious in nature.
Mete- to distribute or apportion by measure; allot; dole
To mete out punishment.
Noxious- morally harmful; corrupting; pernicious
A noxious plan to spread dissension.
Polemic- a controversial argument, as one against some opinion, doctrine, etc.

Populous- jammed or crowded with people
There's no more populous place than Times Square on New Year's Eve.
Probity- integrity and uprightness; honesty.
Probity is one of the best qualities to have.
Repartee- a quick, witty reply.
Sara was just chalk full of repartee.
Supervene- to take place or occur as something additional or extraneous.
We had to supervene even though we were angry.
Truncate- to shorten by cutting off a part; cut short
Truncate detailed explanations.
Unimpeachable- above suspicion; impossible to discredit; impeccable

He had unimpeachable motives.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Beowulf Comprehension Questions

Prologue: The Rise of the Danish Nation:
1.       The way Shield became ruler of the Danes was unusual because he was an orphan. Although he came from rags, his funeral was one to be admired. It was on a ship at sea with his most loved companions and filled with treasures. Shield is Hrothgar's grandfather.

Heorot is Attacked:
1.       The magnificent work that Hrothgar undertook was the construction of the spectacular mead hall, Herot. The monster Grendel attacked Herot, killing thirty warriors; unable to fend for themselves. The attacks lasted twelve years. The Danes did nothing and continued to suffer.

The Hero Comes to Heorot:
1.       When Beowulf hears of Hrothgar's problems with Grendel, he sails out with 14 of his bravest warriors to Herot.

2.       When the Geats arrive in Denmark they first meet a Danish watcher. The watchman asks what business they have in this specific area. Beowulf explains their intentions are not to harm the Danes, but to bring peace by slaying Grendel.

3.       The name of Hrothgar's herald is Wulgar, a messenger. He asks the Geats their business, impressed with their appearances and manners, relays the message to Hrothgar who realizes he had known Beowulf prior to this meeting. I am not surprised Hrothgar knew Beowulf so well because he was well-known across many people for his bravery and nobility.

4.       When Beowulf enters, he tells Hrothgar that he is ready to fight and kill Grendel to protect the kingdom. Hrothgar settled the dispute Beowulf started with the Wulfing’s by paying with old treasure.

Feast at Heorot:
1.       Unferth accuses Beowulf of being too proud, and that Beowulf cannot handle battling against Grendel. Beowulf replied back by describing his perspective of the story Unferth told. He also told about how he killed the sea beast that pulled him down to the bottom of the sea. This episode is relevant to the poem as a whole because the whole poem is about Beowulf battling in different situations. Beowulf accuse Unferth of not participating in any battle.

2.       During the feast, Queen Wealhtheow attended to everyone in the banquet hall and welcomed the Geats.

The Fight with Grendel:
1.       Beowulf prepares for his fight with Grendel by disarming himself which is different because heroes are usually described to have prepared themselves to fight by arming themselves.

2.       When Grendel enters Heorot, Beowulf watches Grendel attack the vulnerable. Beowulf fights Grendel by gripping Grendel’s hand first. When Grendel tries to leave, Beowulf’s men tried to slash Grendel with their swords, but their swords didn’t do much. Grendel escapes to his lair, critically wounded. He left his shoulder and arm behind.
Celebration at Heorot:
1.       Like Sigemund Beowulf experiences a very strong sense of valor and love of the kill and war, yet he lack the wisdom to be a general or command because he doesn’t take the time to think a plan out

2.       Hrothgar responds with joy, gratitude, and generosity. He says that Beowulf is like a son to him and gives him treasure. Unferth was proven wrong in his attempts to discredit Beowulf.

3.       The story is about a Danes battle against Finn, who was the king of the Frisians. The poem is quite confusing, but basically it was based on the battle of Finnsburgh, which was an absolute bloodbath between the Frisians and the Danes. The battle came to an end when Hnaef, the Danish leader, was killed during battle. The Danes called a truce and promised to live with them separately but they would follow the same rules of equality in order in sure peace among the people. Now, the Danish princess named Hildeburh married Finn, but she was still depressed due to the death of her brother, Hnaef, and her son.  After months of hardship, the Danes revolt against the Frisians and kill Finn while his wife, Hildeburh, goes back to Denmark. The wisdom of using a bride as a way to heal enmity between tribes was to show that they were connected and must keep peace within their society. There are thousands of books, poems, and movies that show arranged marriages in order to restore peace or to connect with the other culture. Family shouldn’t attack family. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they won’t, but they may be less inclined to attack and more inclined to make amends.  

4.       When the feasting resumes, Wealhtheow asks Hrothgar to not give Beowulf the throne.

5.       Beowulf later gives the golden torque to Hygelac, in which he wears it on his death. Wealhtheow asked Beowulf to act as a friend to Hrethric and Hrothmund (Wealhtheow's daughters), to offer them protection from the darkness, to be a guidance, and to treat them kindly.

6.       So many men remained in the beer hall to sleep because the other sleeping halls were full. The men who slept in the beer hall made a mistake because Grendel's mother descended on Heorot to seek vengeance for her son’s death where Grendel's arm was located on the wall of Heorot and Aeschere (Hrothgar’s trusted adviser) was captured by her.

Another Attack:
1.       Grendel's mother came to Heorot to seek vengeance for her son's death. Grendel's reason to come to Heorot wasn't the same as his mother's reason because he only wanted to cause destruction.

2.       Hrothgar's response to Grendel's mother killing Aeschere (Hrothgar’s trusted adviser) is for Beowulf to seek out and kill Grendel’s mother.

3.       The mere is a magical swampy wood  lake in which it seems endlessly deep and it is where Grendel's mother lair is located at

Beowulf fights with Grendel’s mother:
1.       Beowulf tells Hrothgar to respond by taking care of the Geats and returning his property to Hygelac if he dies in the battle to kill Grendel's mother

2.       Before Beowulf can get to the mere he and his men find the many bloodied and dead men that were killed by Grendel and his mother, including the head of Aeschere. His men and Beowulf must fight off reptiles and sea dragons that live in the mere’s water. Also he gives a speech and names Hrothgar is successor should he die, and says that Hrothgar must take all the riches to Hygelac.

3.       Beowulf prepares for the battle by putting on his chain mail and metal helmet and took Unferth’s sword for Hrunting.

4.       When Beowulf enters the lake it takes him a long time to find the Grendel cave, but the Grendel mom knew that he was in the lake and tried to attack him. However the chain mail held and the Grendel mom was thwarted, so she just pulled his body into the cave. When Beowulf gets to the cave he is attacked by sea monsters. (Some more.) What was curious about the cave is that there was no water in it, and a fire going. That makes sense….

5.       The sword Beowulf borrowed proves useless and the steel doesn’t pierce Grendel’s mother at all. The magical sword’s spell in broken.

6.       Beowulf’s “net-of-chain” or chain mail saved him from dying because it deflected Grendel’s knife. And then he notices a pile of swords and stuff in the cave and pops up and grabs and sword to fight with.

7.       Beowulf kills Grendel’s mother by cutting her throat with the sword of Eotens. Her blood melts the sword, so only the hilt is left. Beowulf takes Grendel’s head with him from her house.

8.       All of his men are gone because they didn’t believe he could kill Grendel’s mother.

Further celebration at Heorot:
1.       The hilt of the sword and Grendel’s head

2.       Hrothgar tells Beowulf a story about a horrible king names Heremod who was banished, exiled, and eventually killed. Hrothgar tells this story to teach Beowulf not to be a bad king too

3.       His sword, Hrunting.

Beowulf Returns Home:
1.       Hrothgar predicts Beowulf will rule his people with a bloody fist. Very forcefully that is. But also he insinuates he has earned it and Hrothgar supports him fully.

2.       Queen Hygd was the opposite of Modthryth. While Modthryth was a violent queen, Hygd was virtuous and kind to her people.

3.       Beowulf plans to marry out his daughter to a conflicting neighbor as it were to create a temporary peace at least. He expects it to be settled until prosperity can be re-established, then fighting will break out. This shows Beowulf to be a cunning and almost pessimistic leader despite his inhuman strength.

4.       Beowulf played off the fact he killed Grendel as if it were nothing, He reports accurately, but diplomatically enough not to seem like he was boasting of his feats.

5.       To appease old tradition, He gave the treasure to his leader, and in return, Hygelac gave Beowulf his "boar standard, a suit of armor, and a sword belonging to Hrothgar's brother." My personal interpretation of this is Hygelac gave Beowulf his deepest honor and loyalty.

The Dragon Wakes:
1.       Heardred and Hygelac both fell in the 50 years after Beowulf's conference with Hrothgar.

2.       The Dragon was angry that his pillaged treasure was re-pillaged by a tribe. The lone man stealing the cup to make amends with his lord led the tribe to the barrow where an ancient tribe held their considerable wealth.

3.       In the first day, the dragon killed and burnt down the countryside of the Geats.

4.       Beowulf heard of the burnt countryside and ordered a new iron shield to be made to withstand the flames, he believes he will fight the dragon the same way he fought Grendel, but his age gave him weakness and will die.

5.       Hygelac died from neighboring tribe invasions, Beowulf seeks revenge on them, but declines the honor of ruling his people. When he is home he finds out how the dragon got angry and sought to find him.

6.       Heardred was killed by the dragon (?) and Beowulf sought revenge by blood by killing the dragon.

7.       Thirteen men, including one who knew the whereabouts of the barrow, accompanied him.

8.       Heardred gets killed by the Swedish king's men over a century old feud. As retaliation, Beowulf kills Onela, a Swedish noble responsible for his death. SO MUCH DEATH. Beowulf killed everyone who killed his kinsman. The Swedes and the Geats were in a state of feud after the kill-fest.


Beowulf Attacks the Dragon:
1.       Beowulf tells his companions to wait on top of the dragon’s den, and observe the battle instead of fighting in it.

2.       On his first battle with the dragon, Beowulf just counters the dragon’s attacks, until Beowulf strikes the dragon, barely wounding the dragon while the dragon burns Beowulf.  All of his companions flee to a nearby forest, but one, which is his kinsman Wiglaf.  Wiglaf tells of how Beowulf helped his family as Wiglaf grew up.  Wiglaf goes down to help Beowulf, by means of encouragement and help in the battle.

3.       The second time Beowulf meets the dragon, Beowulf’s sword fails again, and the dragon attacks twice, the second time, fatally biting Beowulf.  Wiglaf kills the dragon with the rage left from the attack on his king.

4.       Beowulf asks Wiglaf to bring him the dragon’s treasure.  When Beowulf sees the gold, He thanks God for letting him die rich, and tells Wiglaf to be king.  Beowulf wants to be buried in a tall tower so that he can be remembered by everybody who sees “Beowulf’s Tower.”

Beowulf's Funeral:
1.       When the companions return, they see Wiglaf trying to revive Beowulf.  Wiglaf scolds the company for not standing by the great Beowulf in his last battle, and he predicts that the Geats will be terrorized by rival clans once again.

2.       The messenger tells the city of Beowulf’s death, and begins to predict things that will happen due to the death of their king.  Overnight, Ongentheow’s army verbally terrorized the Geats, and the next morning, Hygelac returns with a Geat army.  Ongentheow killed a man named Wulf, whose brother, Eofor, ended up killing Ongentheow to avenge his brother’s death.  The messenger tells the Geats to put the gold on Beowulf’s funeral pyre as to melt with his burning body.  The final image of the messengers’ speech is the freshly slain dragon, from Beowulf’s last stand.

3.       Wiglaf tell the crowd that comes to see the dragon and Beowulf? Wiglaf tells the crowd that it is bad to sacrifice yourself on your own will, and warns that doing this will hurt many.

4.       The dragon is left alone, but its hoard is taken by the Geats to use in Beowulf’s funeral pyre.

5.       While Beowulf and all of the treasure from the burrow burn on the pyre, a woman sings a song about the fall of the Geats, and the Geats build a tower over Beowulf’s pyre over the next ten days.

6.       “Said he was kindest of kings under heaven,
Gentlest of men, most winning of manner,
Friendliest to folk-troops and fondest of honor.”
In these lines, the Geats talk of Beowulf’s kindness, friendliness and gentleness.  These are odd words to describe military heroes, at least by today’s standards, because today, military men are portrayed as manly men who do not show much emotion, just stoically save people

Thursday, August 22, 2013

In-Class Notes

  • Interdependence-  shared authority based on other people.
  • Ripple Effect- we effect others through our actions, and they others by their actions, and so on.
  • Limbic- emotional part of the brain.
  • Schema- thinking based on routine.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My opinion isn't (a) right

On the topic of Fridays Socratic seminar, I didn't take any notes. There is a purpose though so don't get it confused with complacency. I  choose not to write notes because being absolutely warped up in the conversation was my purpose. Just as when one is reading, stopping the story and taking yourself out is not beneficial, at least in my case,. I wanted to really experience what people had to say and I wanted them to experience me.

In my opinion, no Socratic seminar is fun unless we have a little controversy. That is exactly what we got, and it was magical the tension, the debates, the muddled arguments, the nervous habits that ensued. It was very interesting to watch.

Being centered around such a personal and philosophical question that conversation a naturally was unsolved. rarely does a group of intellectuals such as ourselves come to a consensus on any philosophical questions. And how could we, when 30 people think for themselves, then you have 30 different opinions and 30 different perspectives to analyze. That is what I believe the article was about..... opinions and how people formulate them and hold them.... and eventually defend them. 

1987 AP multiple choice test

Deeper questions...

In the effort to achieve the answer to my question examine first one key question.
why do people lie? is it shame of their actions? is it a natural response to tough situations? or is it the proclivity to deceive people?

Monday, August 19, 2013

Reflections on week 1

  1. for the amount of work that is involved in this course I feel I am ready to "belly up to the bar" and give it 100%. as far as family issues that would inhibit me from achieving high in the class, there are some but this blog is not the place to discuss such things.
  2. I have had the great fortune to be taught and listen to some of the greatest minds I could imagine. if I was to decide which one would have been the best experience is would be hands down H.O.B.Y. I believe this to be the best  because for the first time a group of my peers (equally as talented in leadership) were gathered together in our common craving to become better at what we did. The atmosphere was electric with smart people eager to learn and frankly it was awesome. I will never forget the feeling of waking up at 5 am and going to bed at 11 pm with a day of full learning and loving every second of it. It felt like a hippy commune, but  not in the negative connotation, in the sense that in 11 hours I had 150 brothers and sisters in learning.
  3. the idea of open learning interests me because I don't yet have a full grasp on what that even means, and I love finding things out. I am a little concerned that the work load will be a lot but I think I can handle it.

Vocabulary 1

Adumbrate- to produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch.
Most teachers give a adumbrate picture of how learning should actually happen.
Apotheosis- the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god.
To survive your apotheosis of math, would be to survive the seven circles of hell.
Ascetic- a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals and practices extreme   self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons.
The ascetic to which some hold themselves too is just plain cruel.
Bauble- a showy, usually cheap, ornament; trinket; gewgaw.
The bauble to which that medal displays is embarrassing.
Beguile- to take away from by cheating or deceiving.
After the beguilement I experienced in Las Vegas I will think twice before ever returning.
Burgeon- to begin to grow, as a bud; put forth buds, shoots.
I am relieved to see the burgeon of our squash.
Complement- something that completes or makes perfect.
A good wine is a complement to a good meal.
Contumacious- stubbornly perverse or rebellious; willfully and obstinately disobedient.
Teenagers can come across in a contumacious way at times
Curmudgeon- a bad-tempered, difficult, cantankerous person.
Sometimes my great-uncle can be a real curmudgeon
Didactic- teaching or intending to teach a moral lesson.
Almost all teacher tend to stand in front of class and give didactic speeches.
Disingenuous- lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely
Her excuse was rather disingenuous.
Exculpate- to clear from a charge of guilt or fault; free from blame; vindicate.
The purpose of his trail was to exculpate john from blame.
faux pas- a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct; an embarrassing social blunder or indiscretion.
Jimmy’s birthday party speech became somewhat of a fuax pas.
Fulminate- to explode with a loud noise; detonate.
Fustian- a stout fabric of cotton and flax
The vendor assured me that the shirt was made of the fines fustian materials.
Hauteur- haughty manner or spirit; arrogance.
The hauteur of squidwards character is what brings comedic spice to the show.
Inhibit- to restrain, hinder, arrest, or check.
His constant chatter inhibits the overall flow of the meeting.
Jeremiad- a prolonged lamentation or mournful complaint.
We kids don’t get what they want, they usually resort to jeremiad complains
Opportunist- a person who practices opportunism, or the policy of adapting actions, decisions, etc., to effectiveness regardless of the sacrifice of ethical principles
He is an extreme opportunist and always thinks the ends justify the means.
 Unconscionable- not guided by conscience; unscrupulous.

His actions could only be explained as an unconscionable slip.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Too much time not enough work

On the Righetti campus, and almost any campus for that matter, one will find that the use of vocabulary words or the memorization of such is scares at best. For one word this rule never applies because our lives revolve around it. It fills our lives with hope and false sense of freedom. It allows us to do what students do best, which is pursue short term gain in lieu of long term mental relaxation. A word which is so caressing yet so envious of our stress free lives that it puts us in a Trans of freedom and then smacks us with a one-two punch of panic. The word of course is procrastination.

Why is it moment one gets an assignment, such as creating a blog then having to attach it to another’s blog in order to receive instructions, our first default is to contemplate when to fit it in and think of activates that have more attraction? The phrase “the more time you have, the more time u have not to work” applies whenever someone first gets any type of work at the high school level. Most do not intentionally set out to push and assignment till the last moment because we all know what is waiting for us, panic, fear, stress, seclusion, depression, denial, the list goes on but the intent of this essay is not to make you want to kill yourself. The majority of students lie to themselves in a very simplistic and frankly stupid way, in that they tell themselves that tomorrows the day, tomorrow I will write twice as much, tomorrow I will achieve greatness, tomorrow I can, (triumphant trumpets sound in background). When in reality we do no such thing, we continue to perpetuate the same white lie over and over again.

Procrastination is one of the few words that actually takes on a story of its own. To every student the mire mention of the word invokes a loud sigh, or playful laugh, or shamed look, based on their long and rather toxic relationship with procrastination. The memories of small, dim lite desk filled with papers, little box reading 11:00 pm, the thought of ones parents sleeping blissfully into the night, and your own fear of failure, not a happy time for anyone. All the sweet days of leisure and happiness reverberating in one’s mind and the thought of first envy, then regret, and finally self-loathing. The word takes on almost a personality, with very distinct characteristics. Characteristics of false hope, temporary love, then boom hate, depression. In a sense we have all become the battered spouse, we love procrastination because he’s fun and light hearted and gives us hope, and then wham we are left with black eyes. We question why we let ourselves in the position and swear to change our actions, but then once we are all better there he is with every apology and very expensive box of chocolates and we run back to procrastination. When one refers to procrastination, the bark and the bite are both so bad that neither need to be compared.

This brings me to the nature of my essay. See like every other student I have succumbed to the caressing evil of procrastination. Which has left me with a black eye and broken pride, metaphorically speaking. I failed to attach my blog to that of Dr. Preston’s and that rendered me unable to assess his prompt and furthermore unable to write his essay. Frankly I am in the stage of embarrassment and feeling of inferior to the whole. After thirty minutes of denial and self-loathing, and texting my friends for the URL, I decided to write this cautionary tale. I do feel quite stupid, but that’s the name of the game when you make the decision to play with procrastination. From an outsider looking in, just as in a toxic relationship, they ask why we don’t just leave the evil doer, and just chose not to be beaten. And upon reflection I know the answer for myself, but I pose it too you to consider for yourself. So I sign off with this “why do we continue to procrastinate when we all know it is going to be painful in the end?”