Big Question

Some say that if you tell a lie long enough and often enough its becomes the truth, so...
are lies the truth?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Too much time not enough work

On the Righetti campus, and almost any campus for that matter, one will find that the use of vocabulary words or the memorization of such is scares at best. For one word this rule never applies because our lives revolve around it. It fills our lives with hope and false sense of freedom. It allows us to do what students do best, which is pursue short term gain in lieu of long term mental relaxation. A word which is so caressing yet so envious of our stress free lives that it puts us in a Trans of freedom and then smacks us with a one-two punch of panic. The word of course is procrastination.

Why is it moment one gets an assignment, such as creating a blog then having to attach it to another’s blog in order to receive instructions, our first default is to contemplate when to fit it in and think of activates that have more attraction? The phrase “the more time you have, the more time u have not to work” applies whenever someone first gets any type of work at the high school level. Most do not intentionally set out to push and assignment till the last moment because we all know what is waiting for us, panic, fear, stress, seclusion, depression, denial, the list goes on but the intent of this essay is not to make you want to kill yourself. The majority of students lie to themselves in a very simplistic and frankly stupid way, in that they tell themselves that tomorrows the day, tomorrow I will write twice as much, tomorrow I will achieve greatness, tomorrow I can, (triumphant trumpets sound in background). When in reality we do no such thing, we continue to perpetuate the same white lie over and over again.

Procrastination is one of the few words that actually takes on a story of its own. To every student the mire mention of the word invokes a loud sigh, or playful laugh, or shamed look, based on their long and rather toxic relationship with procrastination. The memories of small, dim lite desk filled with papers, little box reading 11:00 pm, the thought of ones parents sleeping blissfully into the night, and your own fear of failure, not a happy time for anyone. All the sweet days of leisure and happiness reverberating in one’s mind and the thought of first envy, then regret, and finally self-loathing. The word takes on almost a personality, with very distinct characteristics. Characteristics of false hope, temporary love, then boom hate, depression. In a sense we have all become the battered spouse, we love procrastination because he’s fun and light hearted and gives us hope, and then wham we are left with black eyes. We question why we let ourselves in the position and swear to change our actions, but then once we are all better there he is with every apology and very expensive box of chocolates and we run back to procrastination. When one refers to procrastination, the bark and the bite are both so bad that neither need to be compared.

This brings me to the nature of my essay. See like every other student I have succumbed to the caressing evil of procrastination. Which has left me with a black eye and broken pride, metaphorically speaking. I failed to attach my blog to that of Dr. Preston’s and that rendered me unable to assess his prompt and furthermore unable to write his essay. Frankly I am in the stage of embarrassment and feeling of inferior to the whole. After thirty minutes of denial and self-loathing, and texting my friends for the URL, I decided to write this cautionary tale. I do feel quite stupid, but that’s the name of the game when you make the decision to play with procrastination. From an outsider looking in, just as in a toxic relationship, they ask why we don’t just leave the evil doer, and just chose not to be beaten. And upon reflection I know the answer for myself, but I pose it too you to consider for yourself. So I sign off with this “why do we continue to procrastinate when we all know it is going to be painful in the end?”

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